release :: march.28.2000
record id :: 012157522-2
name :: mdfmk
1. Now [ 4:41:01 ]
2. Rabble Rouser { 4:12:22 }
3. Get.Out.of.My.Head ( 4:52:30 )
4. Gasoline ( 4:09:40 }
5. Torpedoes { 4:15:05 ]
6. [ 6:02:26 )
7. Be.Like.Me \\ 4:17:47 ]
8. Transmutation ( 4:20:48 \\
9. �ontrol� { 5:54:09 ;
10. Hydro-Electric | 4:56:10 :
11. Witch.Hunt \\ 5:28:15 |
� mdfmk's first album, and this thing will kick your ass. from the harsh lyrical and musical styles of sascha and tim, to the beautifully shattering voice of lucia, this album is not for losers or people with heart conditions. if you want to get your party going, surprise them by throwing in rabble rouser. if you're feeling in an angry mood, turn on track one and put it on "repeat." i tell you, this album is great, and i look forward to more new releases. (you should too!)
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