The Eros of Frigid Beauty

Track Listing

1. Lysander
2. Devotion
3. In My Holy Time
4. The Eros of Frigid Beauty
5. The Minstrell Song
6. Overture
7. Lysander II

information and review


Lysander I Pursue I pursue invain
Cruel Lysander thus to fly me.

Let this begin
She must not, she must not obtain him
Never never never never must obtain
Frigid beauty
Who are you that you would deny me
Who will who will still deny me
Deny me Deny Me

Bring bring my trusty arms

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Her beauty must success less prove
For this heart is stronger charms
Feeble feeble arms and hurtles dart
She will not in war prevail
Alas what hopes to wound a heart
She will not live to tell the tail

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In My Holy Time

As I walked on my own
As I look for my dear home
I felt the sun leaving me
white choruses wait for me

Where shall we our breakfast take
Said the first Raven
Down in yonder greed field
There lies a knight slain under his shield

Down comes his follow doe
As great with young
As she might go
She lift up his bloody head
And kissed his wounds
That were so red
She got him up on her back
And carried him to earth and lake
She burried him before the prime
She was dead herself before night time

Do you still see me?
Do you still see me?

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The Minstrell Song

In darkness let me dwell
The ground the ground shall sorrow be

The roof of despair which bares all cheerful light from me
To bar all cheerful light
The walls marble black which moistened still shall weep from me
They Still shall Weep Forever in Darkness

The Roof of Despair
Which bares all cheerful light from me
To bar all cheerful light
My Queen my queen I only wish my song to please thee
I wish to be the minstrel in your gallery

My Music Jarring jarring sounds to banish sleep

Thus bedded to my woes
and bedded bedded to my tomb
Ohh let me living Die
Till Death do come

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Lysander II

The frightened earth looks pail and cries
It cries as war does consume the skies
My armies already join the battle above
The god of war fights the god of love

Stand firm my battalions stand firm
The Tyrants shall Yield

Hold the line

They fly they fly my archers fly

Consume consume the whole world
Since she is burning

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